Michael Etienne

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Basic Strategies To Get Your Business Noticed Online

Brand awareness is key when it comes to digital marketing but getting your business noticed in the first place might be the most challenging steps of all. Expensive digital ads are great but most small businesses lack the resources to invest in such an extensive marketing campaign; does this mean your brand loses all chances of getting noticed? No!

In fact, some of the most effective ways to raise brand awareness are surprisingly cheap. Social media does so much more than helping you connect with friends or family members – it is the perfect platform to sell your product or service, establish a genuine connection with your audience, and make your company’s name known. Most businesses are active on Twitter and Facebook but these are far from the only platforms you can utilize. Posting quality photos on Instagram is a great way to reach some of their 300 million users – show them your office space, your last company’s party or offer a sneak-peak of your next big product.

The best way to expand your reach is by using social media but to harvest the power of Facebook or Instagram, you need to drive your leads somewhere. Design a website and invest in responsive design – studies show that the majority of people today are accessing the Internet from their smartphones. Add a blog page and share relevant, quality content that will drive leads and establish you as an expert in your niche. If your texts are fresh and engaging, chances are that once you post them on social media, they’ll be shared by your fans, increasing your reach and exposure even more. Play around with different types of content such as infographics and videos and make it easy for your followers to share your content.

If you have a bigger budget, consider also paid advertising. Google AdWords is currently one of the best ways to do so – it refers to paid search marketing which drives quality leads to your website. Start with a small budget and experiment, until you see what works best for your business.

These are only a handful of ways in which you can expand your reach and get your business noticed online. The key is to be proactive and engage your audience in any way you can, and the results will soon follow.

Michael Etienne